Choose this day

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors, served, beyond the Euphrates, ot the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15(NIV)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Is there Rest for the Weary

 I'm back ready to start back to writing again.  

It is summer time; time to be laid back and taking it easy.  If you are like me work continues for the summer and schedules for the kids continue.  Days are longer and kids want more of your after work time.  Homework after school in the evening is replaced with trips outside for bike riding, to the pool, and weekends filled with more activities. 

Where is the rest for parents and to have a little of the relaxing and rejuvenation we had in our youth?

Our rest and rejuvenation is found in God.  Where do we start is the question?

I am going to start by reflecting on the past couple of Church school lesson we have had at our church.  The time frame of these events really caught my attention. The standard lessons for the past few Sundays have been coming from Ezra chapter 3 focusing on Restoring Joyful Worship, Restoring the Temple continuing later in chapter 6 Dedication of the Temple. 
1.     Restoring Joy( Ezra 3:1-7)
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.  Some people suffer from the self-inflicted problem of filling their time with too many activities as they try to have lives that are rewarding and fulfilling.  They become stressed in their efforts to complete the goals they have set.  As the old saying goes, they “confuse activity with accomplishment”.   The concept of balance is the farthest from their minds.  Today is not January 1 but what resolutions can you make today.  In the scriptures above in the 5th Month (about June or July some April or May) began to gather, locate themselves in their ancestral land and villages to get serious about the purpose of their journey and to come on one accord. This was a great time to begin considering the rainy season was over and an excellent time to begin work on the foundation of the temple.

Now is a great time to take family stock of activities and refocus the family. School will start soon, what will be the set school activities and family activities.  Extra curricula activities are great but should not consume the family.

2.     Restoring Your Temple
After the two months of taking stock and determining the common goals rebuilding can take place.  In the scripture it tells me that construction for the temple should be complete on the first day of the seventh month (Late September and early October). With a goal time in mind is easy to understand why you must take the time to lay the foundation for restoring yourself and your family.  
How can you restore your temple and your house hold? 
·        Are family dinner’s happening on a regular basis? 
·        Can a couple days in the gym be replaced with family bike rides or walks? 
·        Can one night of the week include family game night or a fun family movie?
·        Summer is a great time to eat better and have a family garden.
How will you and your family celebrate the temple being restored? Remembering “And all the people shouted, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid” Ezra3: 11b.   Laying the foundation take work be willing to put in the effort it will pay off.

 Find your rest in God alone. Psalm 62:1

Family time is all the time enjoy.

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